Wednesday, April 20, 2016

In Between

Samantha and Me

Columbine Cemetery

New Years Eve

Max had to Die

Dot's Diner

Homecoming and Crumpled Chicken Bits

Swimming with Strangers in Lake St. Clair

Snow in Tasmania


The Merri

Summer in Melbourne


Friday, April 1, 2016

Haunted Places

Pencil, water color and ink on paper

This is a guy my family knew when I was young. He basically was just living above the army surplus store. He wore berets and sang a lot and had martinis for breakfast. He's now living on a boat in Florida. I don't know if it is a raft or a yacht, but neither would surprise me.
I was six or seven here, and yes, I thought I saw a scary ghost lady too. 

Dad Gets Sick

Pencil on Paper

F@#% cancer. Cancer is a C@$%

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Second artwork for February Challenge. Pencil and water color. 

New - New Years Day

First artwork for the February Challenge. Pencil and paper.

One Night at Connor O'Neil's

Continuation of visual journaling. Here I am recording the mundane, everyday moments that don't mean anything but are somehow still important - if only for that very reason. At some point I want to begin to incorporate 3D objects into my 2D work, just to make it more interesting. I'm personally growing bored with inking in water colour sketches. Just a little bit...

Pencil, water colour, pen and ink, paper

The Dream

This is a comic depicting a dream I had of a girl I knew who died about a year ago. I'm experimenting with the different ways to keep a visual journal - whether you record what is real, imaginary or symbolic of actual experience.
Pencil, water colour, ink, paper